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краут рок

краут рок

Re: краут рок

Re: краут рок

Has a playful, at times otherworldly style which brings to mind children's fairy tales..
An optimistic-feeling, playful record that recalls the jazzy-edged sunshine and beat pop of the '60s

Re: краут рок

Re: краут рок

not,  not batY
 An ingratiating return to form that benefits from Sean O'Hagan's eclectic, elastic arrangements.
Re: краут рок

 Laetitia Sadier's vocal melodies soar, so that even when you get two hints of classical minimalist Steve Reich in the first two tracks, there are still tunes to hum.

Re: краут рок

Good-Luck, what the f. are talking about? :laugh: Флудиш? :)
Re: краут рок

Re: краут рок

Good-Luck, what the f. are talking about? :laugh: Флудиш? :)

This one is good when properly dosed


Re: краут рок

This one is good when properly dosed


Yes, that was a good comment :)
Re: краут рок

 Such a nostalgic feeling.

Re: краут рок

Re: краут рок

 Used to warm up every DJ set with this.
but my f acdc
im old fashi.d


Re: краут рок

 Used to warm up every DJ set with this.
but my f acdc
im old fashi.d


Блін, чувак постить коментарі з під відео, що я поміщаю :laugh:
Re: краут рок

Кіко ідіотів на світі :)
Re: краут рок

Re: краут рок

так я так i постю
звиняйте що вам не вмасть ..


Re: краут рок

ото остання
The album is held back by their insistence on simple songs and simple vocals that keep the record earthbound and solely the province of the already converted.

Re: краут рок

u have to be in certain set of mind to enjoy this. don't get me wrong, I know these bands for 20+ years.
Re: краут рок

u have to be in certain set of mind to enjoy this. don't get me wrong, I know these bands for 20+ years.

I posted that one you wanker  :laugh:
Re: краут рок

 The perfect track of tranquility.
 Their best yet. [Sep 2001, p.120]
алеянепроце ..


Re: краут рок

I'll give you a hand. The public was so much confused back then, like in Deep Purple's Child in time video :)
Re: краут рок

I'll give you a hand. The public was so much confused back then, like in Deep Purple's Child in time video :)

oo/ please

I don't know which Stereolab album is more nauseating: Sound-Dust or the last one #51

Much of the music's electronic undertow has receded, leaving Laetitia Sadier and Mary Hansen's

airy melodies and counter-melodies stranded in gassy lounge-pop compositions that sound merely retro instead of retro-futuristic.

give me u hand ..


Re: краут рок

Kraftwerk 1970, це краще ніж автобан :)

Stereolab.. if you don't get them you get nothing.
Re: краут рок

Я так розумію, Good-Luck англійської не розуміє. WTF?
Re: краут рок

Короче Глюк в ігнор, всім решта доброго дня :)
Re: краут рок

Все таки Canterbury Scene краще.
Re: краут рок

Я так розумію, Good-Luck англійської не розуміє. WTF?

 Is a welcoming entrance for new fans as much as it is another fine chapter for the diehards

Re: краут рок

Все таки Canterbury Scene краще.

Olrona, the keyword is kraut? :)
Re: краут рок

Тоді Canterbury Scene > Kraut Rock. Я надіюся ти знаєш що це таке - Canterbury Scene. Soft Machine і так далі.
Re: краут рок

Re: краут рок

Wow скільки тепер кліпів Стереолаба можна знайти.
Re: краут рок

Не знаю яке відношення Stereolab має до krautrock. Я слухав тільки Can і Tangerine Dream. Soft Machine і Gong набагато цікавіші.

Re: краут рок

Не знаю яке відношення Stereolab має до krautrock. Я слухав тільки Can і Tangerine Dream. Soft Machine і Gong набагато цікавіші.

Перше відо в гілці це краут, і всі наступні теж.
Re: краут рок

Ну не знаю,

Stereolab are an Anglo-French avant-pop band formed in London in 1990. Led by the songwriting team of Tim Gane and Lætitia Sadier, the group's music combines influences from krautrock, lounge and 1960s pop music, often incorporating a repetitive motorik beat with heavy use of vintage electronic keyboards and female vocals sung in English and French. Their lyrics have political and philosophical themes influenced by the Surrealist and Situationist movements.

Re: краут рок

Лучще пока не сделали

Re: краут рок

Ну не знаю,

Stereolab are an Anglo-French avant-pop band formed in London in 1990. Led by the songwriting team of Tim Gane and Lætitia Sadier, the group's music combines influences from krautrock, lounge and 1960s pop music, often incorporating a repetitive motorik beat with heavy use of vintage electronic keyboards and female vocals sung in English and French. Their lyrics have political and philosophical themes influenced by the Surrealist and Situationist movements.

Ти не читай, а слухай.
Re: краут рок

Лучще пока не сделали


Ну і де тут краут?? Це попса.

Останнє редагування: 29 грудня 2021 08:41:54 від burlington
Re: краут рок

Лучще пока не сделали


Любителі хуйла? Та нунах. Краще Gojira слухати.

Re: краут рок

Вы чё тут, от психодела прётесь ;o

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