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Повний локдаун в Австрії

Re: Повний локдаун в Австрії

Спасибо. Бо мы уже очковать стали…шо с билетами делать..

Вот же ж. Кому ковид, а кому в кодло нью-фашизма прям как позарез нада. :lol:
Re: Повний локдаун в Австрії

Ви хоч самі читаєте те, на що плсилаєтесь?
Vaccination was found to be effective in reducing household transmission of the alpha variant (B.1.1.7) by 40–50%,1 and infected, vaccinated individuals had lower viral load in the upper respiratory tract (URT) than infections in unvaccinated individuals,2 which is indicative of reduced infectiousness.3,  4 However, the delta variant (B.1.617.2), which is more transmissible than the alpha variant,5,  6 is now the dominant strain worldwide. After a large outbreak in India, the UK was one of the first countries to report a sharp rise in delta variant infection. Current vaccines remain highly effective at preventing admission to hospital and death from delta infection.7 However, vaccine effectiveness against infection is reduced for delta, compared with alpha,8,  9 and the delta variant continues to cause a high burden of cases even in countries with high vaccination coverage. Data are scarce on the risk of community transmission of delta from vaccinated individuals with mild infections.
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